
Google Cloud Platform: Clojure + {GAE, GCE, anything else on Google Platform}
genekim 2018-08-14T19:33:14.000100Z

Anyone here using the Google Firebase or Cloudstore database? I’m in the early stages of thinking through how to migrate off of a MySQL database that’s been running in production for 4+ years... I’m just tired of making database schema changes. :) I’ve been trying to get my head around what to do with a MySQL instance that has been running in Goole Cloud SQL / MySQL for 4 years. 5 tables, millions of rows. Increasingly, I’m moving a bunch of the scraping code that does the database writes into Clojure (from Ruby and Python), and almost all the reads form the database is in a Clojure web app, using Korma SQL DSL, which I found painless and great to use. I’m starting to change the table schemas for the first in years, and doing them in Ruby ActiveRecord is just not that fun-sounding any more — I’ve been thinking about moving database migration management to Clojure via Ragtime or whatever. But I think I’d rather put SQL entirely behind me — thinking about MongoDB or Google Firebase/Cloudstore. Thanks in advance for any thoughts!

domparry 2018-08-14T19:37:17.000100Z

Hi. We're using cloud datastore for all our app dB requirements.

domparry 2018-08-14T19:41:46.000100Z

A very useful repo for Google cloud things is