
Google Cloud Platform: Clojure + {GAE, GCE, anything else on Google Platform}
Andrea Imparato 2018-10-10T09:22:54.000100Z

hello! anybody here can recommend me good tutorials/books for deploying clojure apps/microservices on google cloud?

claudiu 2018-10-10T11:44:36.000100Z

@andrea.imparato I really like google-appengine, the java one is a bit annoying with it's uberwar stuff, but now there's a node-js standard env. Using that for a new project. Using just the tutorials on appengine-nodejs

Andrea Imparato 2018-10-10T12:01:53.000100Z

we can run clojure code on nodejs right?


you can use ClojureScript on node.js


(although for the backend I think Clojure is much more mature)

claudiu 2018-10-10T12:28:41.000100Z

@nha yep I agree. Appengine has some really nice free quotas for standard-env and is really nice. The instances are 128mb ram. JVM (clojure) si a bit more mature, but for startup times & memory usage, nodejs seems like a better fit for budget microservice servers with autoscaling

Andrea Imparato 2018-10-10T12:45:51.000100Z

hmm, how do you see writing these microservices in clojuscript and run them on nodejs?

claudiu 2018-10-10T13:12:00.000100Z 🙂 it's pretty easy with shadow-cljs

claudiu 2018-10-10T13:12:42.000100Z there is also an example app here with shadow-cljs & express

Andrea Imparato 2018-10-10T13:13:29.000100Z

thank you very much @claudiu 🙂

Andrea Imparato 2018-10-10T13:13:59.000100Z

and what about using perhaps?

claudiu 2018-10-10T14:14:14.000100Z

yep. Lumo should also work. I am going with shadow-cljs since it's pretty actively developed & maintained, I also use it for the frontend app. Lumo seems like development is slowing down.