
Google Cloud Platform: Clojure + {GAE, GCE, anything else on Google Platform}
lloydshark 2019-08-31T00:08:39.003600Z

@flowthing I went through a similar journey a little while back to make a full stack (clojure back end / clojure script front end) template a little while back.

lloydshark 2019-08-31T12:13:21.006500Z

I am. But for an app I built before I was using clojure.

lloydshark 2019-08-31T00:08:45.003800Z

And came up with this

flowthing 2019-08-31T04:02:21.005400Z

Cool! Wish Iā€™d found your repo earlier. šŸ™‚

flowthing 2019-08-31T04:06:55.006300Z

Are you using GAE in a production app, by any chance?