Hi. Wrote up https://gist.github.com/cldwalker/663c3e1a82dc2ccf9e53eb8f45d08fc4 while getting up to speed on graalvm tooling. I don't think it's anything new for this crowd but figured I'd share if you're interested in seeing a user's perspective. Thanks to @borkdude and @taylor for the stellar tools!
@cldwalker Thanks for the writeup
No prob. Did it for coworkers so figured I'd share. Fyi I'm keeping babashka snippets in https://github.com/cldwalker/clj-clis
@cldwalker If you're using babashka by any means at work, consider dropping the name + logo here: https://github.com/borkdude/babashka/issues/254
thanks 🙂