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chrisn 2021-03-20T12:48:11.021300Z

@huahaiy - that isn't the case. I have three 'ffi's implemented. libpython-clj, for example already works on with JNA direct mapping and JDK-16 and it just depends on what dtype-next's ffi system finds on the system. You write one and it works across,, and So you, as the implementor, do not have to write multiple FFI layers yourself. You write one, describe it with data, and I translate that data into the subsystem-appropriate classes and implementations.

borkdude 2021-03-20T12:57:55.022300Z

That's great, no more writing JNI stuff I guess

chrisn 2021-03-20T12:58:57.023800Z

I have a link just for you - I made a bit of noise on the graalvm native-image channel and got a fantastic response.

borkdude 2021-03-20T12:59:06.023900Z

@chris441 Does this also work if you want to expose Clojure stuff as a native lib? like I did here?

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:00:07.025Z

I can try to expose avclj as a native lib and we can find out. My overall goal was to get some nontrivial portion of libpython-clj working both as an executable and as a native lib.

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:00:31.025400Z

So people could write python extensions in Clojure but be able to talk back to the python system that loaded them.

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:00:51.025700Z

My question is just out of curiosity, not that I have any plans

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:01:50.026300Z

As far as JNI is concerned, the best way to do that is javacpp.

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:01:57.026500Z

Nothing else is even close IMO.

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:02:14.027100Z

I used that for cortex and aside from some teething issues it worked great.

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:02:44.028100Z

But I don't like JNI. I like to find libraries dynamically so I can account for version changes in code without separate releases bound to specific binary versions of things.

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:02:58.028500Z

I guess I could ask the question like: avclj compiles to an executable. Is it possible to compile it a shared library again (which kind of defeats the purpose of that app, but just as an example), so you can call that shared lib from python as a native lib?

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:03:32.029Z

It should be. Nothing I did precludes that.

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:03:45.029300Z

Well, nothing that I know that I did precludes that.

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:04:05.029600Z

cool stuff.

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:04:16.029900Z

🙂. Appreciated. Agreed 🙂.

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:06:20.031200Z

I do have a question. Sometimes I have an extra require or something that really explodes both the build time and the executable size. It usually takes me quite a long time to track down the pprint statement or whatever that causes it. Are there any tricks to tracking down these issues faster?

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:06:54.032Z

For instance, RT/var will cause the explosion as will pprint.

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:07:53.033100Z

@chris441 I usually just do this by divide and conquer. Start as small as possible and then start adding things. Things known to explode: Look up vars at runtime. E.g. require, resolve, requiring-resolve. I have made a patch in babashka to avoid the explosion of pprint. Also I made this variation of dynaload that won't blow up the binary:

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:08:26.033600Z

Also I have logged a JIRA issue about pprint

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:09:33.034200Z

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:09:33.034300Z

Beautiful, dynaload is a great insurance policy.

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:10:21.034700Z

Possibly you can use to find these likely causes

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:10:46.035400Z

Grasp for non-top-level require, find-var, requiring-resolve, resolve

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:11:41.036300Z

Yep, makes sense. Interestingly enough, RT/var in the static initialization code section of a class doesn't cause it. But RT/var in any instance-level code definitely well.

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:13:46.038300Z

I think GraalVM static analysis accounts for static initialization, which is influenced by --initialize-at-runtime and --initialize-at-build-time. Is (var x) triggering something? This is a special form which is compiled away to the var object I think?

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:14:36.039100Z

If GraalVM can't decide that an entire namespace isn't needed, it may leave all vars/functions around and everything related to it, which may blow up the binary, is my guess

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:14:46.039400Z

Sometimes also helps

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:18:21.040300Z

Maybe I should add a graalvm native-image linter to clj-kondo :thinking_face:

chrisn 2021-03-20T13:18:39.040700Z

well, and with multimethods and protocol implementations graal often can't figure out if a namespace is OK to elide and I can't blame them.

borkdude 2021-03-20T13:19:01.040900Z


chrisn 2021-03-20T14:07:35.041500Z

It looks like we can include the truffle nfi in a native image. That would give you a cython-equivalent system I believe.

Huahai 2021-03-20T19:03:09.042Z
