
anish 2019-03-08T00:51:13.024700Z

Hi all, anyone uses "re-graph" with react-native? I am getting an error The HTTP call failed

gklijs 2019-03-08T06:01:49.024900Z

It's not tested for it and probably needs some changes to make it work.

Jacob Haag 2019-03-08T18:59:35.025200Z

Hay anyone else gotten this error when using ::re-graph/init inside of a test?

?[36m'Ignoring graphql-ws event ', {ns: 're-graph.internals', name: 'default', fqn: 're-graph.internals/default', _hash: -1918427164, cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$: 2153775105, cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$: 4096}, ' - ', 'connection_ack'?[39m

Jacob Haag 2019-03-08T20:04:42.025900Z

I created a more descriptive post in re-graph github, would appreciate insight