I’ve just upgraded to lacinia 0.3.3 and my schema is no longer valid. First of all, GREAT error messages 🙂 Here’s the offending thing:
{:type ...,
:description ...,
:resolve #'nosco.graphql.resolvers.users/user-userlabels},
should satisfy
Shouldn’t that be ifn?
There where some automatic conversions that no longer happen with the latest version. I used a number for id, and had to make it a string from the frontend. Not sure if that helps. But it's probably something similar with the schema, like a key to string needing an explicit (name x) or something.
You are referring to Scalars, right? My case is a plain resolver…
Filed here: https://github.com/walmartlabs/lacinia/issues/291
Basic ❓ r.e. GraphQL / Lacinia: I often find myself wanting to do the following:
{:objects {:foo {:fields {:foo_1 {:type String
:resolve :resolve-foo-1}}
:resolve :resolve-foo}}}
And directly querying like { foo { foo_1 } }
. But this is invalid, and I always need:
{:objects {:foo {:fields {:foo_1 {:type String
:resolve :resolve-foo-1}}}}
:queries {:foo {:type :foo
:resolve :resolve-foo}}}
Is it always necessary to do it this way, or am I missing an easier option?Could you give an example of what kind of objects you're creating and querying? Mostly, top level queries are things like "search for user" or "get list of projects".
Your code reminds me slightly of the Node
pattern (used in Relay) where most objects implement interface Node { id: ID! }
and you have a top level query field that looks like node(id: ID!): Node
for selecting specific nodes