
nenadalm 2019-10-20T15:27:41.035400Z

Since others mentioned that Pedestal logging is using SLF4J which is supported by Timbre (logging library we use: I don't have slightest issue with the dependency and I think some logging might be useful.

orestis 2019-10-20T15:36:00.036100Z

Pedestal logging is cool with me, but I’m using it already :)

dominicm 2019-10-20T16:06:57.036500Z

I'm not, and it's another thing to configure

orestis 2019-10-20T16:24:07.037600Z

I don’t believe that other than slf4j there’s anything like a common logging story for Clojure, is there?

dominicm 2019-10-20T16:27:53.038100Z

tools.logging is the closest