Q: from some failing requests I simply get a 404 back from Lacinia. Is there a good explanation for when this will happen. I see 404 mentioned https://github.com/walmartlabs/lacinia/blob/060cd8c699d07970e96f49b1b15889fef8f17201/docs/tutorial/rating-mutation.rst#id2 but otherise, nothing. I’m sure it’s an error in a resolver but I’d like to know how/why it’s translated to a 404
Nvm. I found the issue. Wasn't lacinia at all, was a broken pedestal route. Occam's razor again
Might be interesting for Lacinia: https://medium.com/@leeb/dataloader-v2-0-925b4dccf8d6
We are working on a similar library, either for inclusion in Lacinia, or to work with it.
The pattern is useful enough to use separately