
miikka 2019-11-26T12:31:50.101400Z

In Lacinia, if the query includes both mutations and queries, in which order are they run?

dominicm 2019-11-26T13:41:22.102200Z

I think the spec has something to say about this.

miikka 2019-11-26T19:21:04.102900Z

Right, yeah, the spec says that you can't mix different kinds of operations

miikka 2019-11-26T19:22:10.103200Z

Hmm, no, I misread

miikka 2019-11-26T19:31:26.104100Z

Okay, now I get it. You can have multiple operations in one document, but then you must provide (out-of-band, i suppose?) the name of the operation you want to execute.

dominicm 2019-11-26T21:19:27.104900Z

I thought it specified ordering. Query then mutations. Queries must be transactional. Mutations are not.