
hadils 2020-09-05T16:49:24.010Z

Question -- can I implement a directive for access control in lacinia? Do I add resolvers for the directive? How does it work?

hlship 2020-09-05T18:47:16.011700Z

Not a great solution for that yet; I’m going to add API so that a field resolver can see directives, but we have yet to come up with a way for directives to fit into the overall flow separate from resolvers. Generally, we’ve been doing auth in the Pedestal pipeline, and using the preview api to match a client’s api key against a set of operations (queries and mutations) that are allowed access to.

hadils 2020-09-05T19:09:36.012200Z

Thanks @hlship -- where can I find the preview api?

hadils 2020-09-05T19:14:33.012500Z

Nvm, I found it! Thanks @hlship