
mafcocinco 2020-09-09T19:55:51.017600Z

Could someone point me to an example of using superlifter with lacinia but without pedestal? The lacinia example on the superlifter GitHub page assumes the use of pedestal.

vlaaad 2020-09-09T20:03:08.017800Z

oh oh I have one!

mafcocinco 2020-09-10T13:06:09.024500Z



the lacinia namespace only has two things • an interceptor for starting a superlifter context (and companion fn for getting it back out) - you don't need these • the ->lacinia-promise fn which converts a promesa promise into lacinia promise - you will probably still want this

hlship 2020-09-09T20:34:28.018300Z

Comment encouraged!

🙌 2

Very cool, thats for sure! What makes it hard (assumption?) to add this with the edn based schema?

hlship 2020-09-09T20:48:27.020900Z

Have to be able to stream out the SDL equivalent to the EDN schema, omitting some things (like the defs for the various directives, like \@key). Also, there’s a few issues with the default names Lacinia uses for types containing operations (QueryRoot or Queries vs. Query).


Right, that makes sense. Its probably with good reason, but having the schema SDL as a value in the federation schema always struck me as a bit odd


(I expected like a metaschema like __schema, but oh well. Nothing to do about it)


btw; on the omission of the federation specific directives (like you mentioned @key), that appears to have been taken care of in the apollo gateway: