
mafcocinco 2021-02-10T19:34:34.031400Z

I noticed the comment in the implementation of root-type-name indicating the possibility of an infinite loop. I think I’m still seeing that on a relatively simple query. Have a relatively simple query: Pulling the top level selections out of a context object via com.walmartlabs.lacinia.selection/selections. For each selection in the list of selections, I call (-> (l.selection/field selection) (l.selection/root-type-name)). When I get to the nested object within the top-level selections list, my application hangs. I was on 0.38.0-alpha8 and upgraded to 0.38.0 to see if that would fix the problem but no dice.

mafcocinco 2021-02-10T19:34:53.031700Z

Perhaps I’m using the protocol incorrectly?