Work with :as
thank you
Hello. Have you guys tried using reitit routing in helix? What am I missing on this code?
(defnc root []
(let [[match on-navigate] (hooks/use-state nil)
view (when match (get-in match [:data :view]))]
(hooks/use-effect (fn [] (rfe/start!
(fn [m] (on-navigate m))
{:use-fragment true})) [])
(d/div {:class ""}
(d/a {:href (rfe/href :limeray.web.routes/home)} "back")
(when view ($ view match)))))
I'm getting this error
//cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js:4346 Uncaught Error: function (){
return reitit.frontend.easy.start_BANG_(limeray.web.routes.router,(function (m){
return (on_navigate.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 ? on_navigate.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(m) :,m));
}),new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 1, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"use-fragment","use-fragment",-1617737154),true], null));
} is not ISeqable
at Object.cljs$core$seq [as seq] (//cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js:4346)
at Object.cljs$core$to_array [as to_array] (//cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js:11850)
at Object.helix$hooks$determine_deps [as determine_deps] (//cljs-runtime/helix.hooks.js:236)
at <|> (//cljs-runtime/
at renderWithHooks (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:230)
at beginWork$1 (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:327)
at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:559)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackImpl (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:560)
at invokeGuardedCallback (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:5)
at beginWork$$1 (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:772)
hey @jaime.sangcap
it looks like you might be calling use-effect
similar to the React API.
currently in helix, the API is a bit different. You put the dependencies first and the body of the effect does not need to be wrapped in a zero-arity function. You can also use keywords :once
or :always
(rfe/start! router (fn [m] (on-navigate m)) {:use-fragment true}))
oh cool! I like it. It's explicitly mentioning :once or :always 🙂 Thanks a lot!
sure thing. other differences can be found here:
If I require a react component from npm module. Can I use it directly like below?
(:require ["some-module" :as CompFromNpmModule])
($ CompFromNpmModule props)
yep, just check the section for creating elements:
thank you. I think I need to do more reading.