why is undefined?
why when scientist is passed through openData apparently isn't the same object?
:face_palm: my bad, I have used defnc
instead defn
aha, I didn’t notice that either 😂 I was going down a rabbit hole thinking it was something to do with lazy evaluation and side effects
FYI It might be a little more readable to use for
(for [[index scientist] (map-indexed vector scientists)]
($ Overly ,,,))
eh I guess it’s not that much more readable than what you have
work in the same way, But what is vector?
me a little before
creates a vector from it’s arguments. so doing (map-indexed vector scientists)
will produce a seq that looks like:
([0 {,,,}] [1 {,,,}])
oh very nice!
thank you, I'm learning a lot
sure thing
@lilactown, how can I made destructuring like ...props
or style={...props.style}
you should be able to do
(d/div {:style (:style props)})
or if you want to spread all the props to a component, you can do:
(d/div {& props})
oh, I understand
Very nice
and if I want replace some keys of props like style={...props.style, height: 10}
and how I can extended this {& props}
like {& props :style {:height 10}}
I thought something like that but don't work
hmm, what doesn’t work? is there an error?
I want to do something like style={...props.style, height: 10}
and <div ...props style={height: 20}
if I do
this error throw
yes, the one you posted in the channel looks good
(merge (:style props) {:height 42 ,,,})
I’m not sure what the compilation error is, it looks like it might be something else
Is strange cuz the error is in other function
If I move the function over
How to translate this react version into helix?
React Version:
<DayPickerInput component={props => <input {...props} />} /> ;; using native component "input"
<DayPickerInput component={props => <MyCustomInput {...props} />} /> ;; using custom component "MyCustomInput"
($ DayPickerInput {:component #(YourInputComponent %)})
(defnc YourInputComponent [{:keys [props]}] ...)
oh! The $
is not needed here? #($ YourInputComponent %)
you should use $
, it is needed
otherwise it’s correct
what version of helix are you using?
let me check
we need to destructure the params to get the props?
(defnc YourInputComponent [{:keys [props]}] ...)
And not like?
(defnc YourInputComponent [props] ...)
{:paths ["src"]
:deps {lilactown/helix {:git/url "<https://github.com/Lokeh/helix.git>"
:sha "376a68da794c6051f6fe103a79fec7314df67eb7"}
;; {:local/root "../helix"}
binaryage/devtools {:mvn/version "0.9.7"}
thheller/shadow-cljs {:mvn/version "2.8.74"}}}
I think the last?
I fork the todo app example
oops, no, it does not require desctructuring
This does not seem to work?
(defnc date-picker-input [props]
(js/console.log props)
(d/input {:class "mb-2 p-2 border border-gray-400 w-full" & props}))
(defnc date-picker [{:keys [id]}]
(let [date-format "MM-dd-yyyy"]
($ DayPickerInput
{:id id
:component #($ date-picker-input %)
:format date-format
:format-date #(format %1 %2 #js {:locale %3})
:parse-date #(parse %1 %2 (js/Date.) #js {:locale %3})
:placeholder (format (js/Date.) date-format)})))
(defnc your-input-component
($ DayPickerInput {:component #($ your-input-component {& %})})
{& %}
^ oka my brain hurtshaha
this document explains it: https://github.com/Lokeh/helix/blob/master/docs/creating-elements.md#dynamic-props
ah no that is old
oh ...
use the latest release, {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}
updating ...
and it todo should be updated
II don't know how update the version
gah I just can’t type
the README has the latest version, if you click on the badge it will take you to a page with the latest version
@lilactown Is the above code applicable if DayPickerInput
is imported from a npm library?
ok cool! 🙂
Hello. Anyone have idea about this error? I'm trying to use react-day-picker
react library. I want to customize the input component (library docs https://react-day-picker.js.org/api/DayPickerInput#component)
But I'm getting this issue when having this code.
(ns limeray.web.components
[helix.core :refer [defnc $ factory]]
[helix.dom :as d]
[helix.hooks :as hooks]
["react-day-picker/DayPickerInput" :default DayPickerInput]
["date-fns" :refer [parse format]]))
(defnc date-picker-input [props]
(js/console.log "props " props)
(d/input {:class "mb-2 p-2 border border-gray-400 w-full" & props}))
(defnc date-picker [{:keys [id]}]
(let [date-format "MM-dd-yyyy"]
($ DayPickerInput
{:id id
:component #($ date-picker-input %)
:format date-format
:format-date #(format %1 %2 #js {:locale %3})
:parse-date #(parse %1 %2 (js/Date.) #js {:locale %3})
:placeholder (format (js/Date.) date-format)})))
inside date-picker-input
component. console.log props
"meta": null,
"obj": {
"children": {
"placeholder": "02-27-2020",
"value": ""
"recursive_QMARK_": false,
"__arr": [
"__cnt": null,
"__hash": null,
"cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$": 2164131599,
"cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$": 139268
And getting this error
//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:188 Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {placeholder, value, onChange, onFocus, onBlur, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onClick}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
in input (created by limeray.web.components/date-picker-input)
in limeray.web.components/date-picker-input (created by component)
in component (created by DayPickerInput)
in div (created by DayPickerInput)
in DayPickerInput (created by limeray.web.components/date-picker)
in limeray.web.components/date-picker (created by limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view)
in div (created by limeray.web.components/field)
in limeray.web.components/field (created by limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view)
in form (created by limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view)
in div (created by limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view)
in limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view (created by <http://limeray.web.app/root|limeray.web.app/root>)
in div (created by <http://limeray.web.app/root|limeray.web.app/root>)
in div (created by <http://limeray.web.app/root|limeray.web.app/root>)
in <http://limeray.web.app/root|limeray.web.app/root>
at throwOnInvalidObjectType (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:188)
at eval (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:219)
at reconcileChildren (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:266)
at beginWork$1 (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:340)
at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:559)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackImpl (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:560)
at invokeGuardedCallback (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:5)
at beginWork$$1 (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:772)
at performUnitOfWork (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:467)
at workLoopSync (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:467)
Error looks straightforward. But I have no idea 😅
adding the screenshot of console. just in case it might help
@lilactown nice!, work with the last version
@jaime.sangcap you’re passing in the props for date-picker-input
as a child
you need to use spread props, so that helix’s $
macro will respect it as a dynamic props map
:component #($ date-picker-input {& %})
see https://github.com/Lokeh/helix/blob/master/docs/creating-elements.md#dynamic-props
notice in the console.log, you’re essentially getting {:children #js {:placeholder …}}
I'm getting this error when doing :component #($ date-picker-input {& %})
//cljs-runtime/helix.impl.props.js:189 Uncaught TypeError: m.call is not a function
at eval (//cljs-runtime/helix.impl.props.js:189)
at Function.eval [as cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1] (//cljs-runtime/helix.impl.props.js:190)
at component (//cljs-runtime/limeray.web.components.js:115)
at renderWithHooks (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:230)
at beginWork$1 (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:327)
at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:559)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackImpl (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:560)
at invokeGuardedCallback (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:5)
at beginWork$$1 (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:772)
at performUnitOfWork (//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:467)
//cljs-runtime/module$node_modules$react_dom$cjs$react_dom_development.js:398 The above error occurred in the <component> component:
in component (created by DayPickerInput)
in div (created by DayPickerInput)
in DayPickerInput (created by limeray.web.components/date-picker)
in limeray.web.components/date-picker (created by limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view)
in div (created by limeray.web.components/field)
in limeray.web.components/field (created by limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view)
in form (created by limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view)
in div (created by limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view)
in limeray.web.routes/add-goal-view (created by <http://limeray.web.app/root|limeray.web.app/root>)
in div (created by <http://limeray.web.app/root|limeray.web.app/root>)
in div (created by <http://limeray.web.app/root|limeray.web.app/root>)
in <http://limeray.web.app/root|limeray.web.app/root>
Consider adding an error boundary to your tree to customize error handling behavior.
Visit <https://fb.me/react-error-boundaries> to learn more about error boundaries.
props is a JS object that gets passed back, yes?
you’ll need to convert it to an associative object like a map. cljs-bean
can do this very efficiently
in your requires, add [cljs-bean.core :as b]
then :component #($ date-picker-input {& (b/bean %)})
it isn't equivalent to this 😕 @lilactown any suggestion?
@luis.cairampoma119 the syntax is wrong
where 😧
and the helix.dom
divs expect props to usually be written literally {:foo "bar" :baz 42}
all props need to be passed into the one map
similar to how in JSX, props always appear in the element <div foo="bar" baz={42}>
I don't using $
it’it’s the same with helix.dom
what you pasted above is the equivalent of doing:
<div {...props}>
{{style: merge(props.style, { ... })}}
you see why it won’t work?
:face_palm: my bad
it worked! 🙂 thanks a lot for your patience 😆
I think I missed the options keywordize-keys
on js->clj
when I tried it. THats why it did not worked.
:component #($ date-picker-input {& (js->clj % :keywordize-keys true)})
yay! glad it’s working now
I will check cljs-bean
next. Thanks a lot for your time
you’re welcome. cljs-bean
can often be faster if the structure you are converting is very large. not a huge different it looks like in this case
cool! helix is awesome, I feel like I had enough knowledge within 2days. I can apply my react skills already. Just to be more cautious about interops 😆
Do you have suggestion about the error messaeg? Right now I don't see the actual code thats causing the error
Is there something like source maps?
you can turn on source maps. if you’re using shadow-cljs you can check out their user guide for how to do that
oh, I'm using shadow-cljs, AFAIK source map is enabled by default. I need to double check my setup
@lilactown Please, Can you do a code-review of my code? https://github.com/f1729/map-science/blob/master/src/map_science/core.cljs I would appreciate any suggestions
oof, the React range library involves a lot of JS interop
@lilactown which would be the correct equivalent?