hello, I'm a bit curious about helix and have read a bit on the github page. one thing I'm wondering is how one would handle "global" state. would I have to deal with js objects and send them as props, and then create new js-objects in order to trigger rerenders? or can I use a hash-map and send it as props? trying to wrap my head around it 🙂
to be a bit more concrete:
• I make an edit-form
• I have some "server side" rendered data, e.g. (def form-state {:name "Saikyun", :job "clojure-lover"})
• in reagent I would've made this into an r/atom
, and in the form put things like: [:input {:value (:name @form-state)}]
. but how would I do something similar in helix? 🙂
https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usecontext may be an option for handling global state https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-state.html
If you are just concerned about the local state of the form you could probably use the use-effect
and use-state
hey @saikyun! 🙂 no, helix handles creating any necessary JS objects, if your components are written with it.
I’d have to understand a bit more what you’re trying to do. I’ll try and explain a couple different cases. first, if you just want to use the server rendered data as some default state inside a component:
(def default-form-state {:name "Saikyun", :job "clojure-lover"})
(defnc form
(let [[{:keys [name]} set-state] (hooks/use-state initial-form-state)]
(d/input {:value name :on-change #(set-state assoc :name (.. % -target -value))})))
and this would initialize the local component state with default-form-state
Editing the name using the input will save those changes locally to the component. If you clear my-form
and then render it again some time else, it will render with the default-form-state
again.if you wanted to share this state between two components, then you could move the use-state
call into a shared parent between the two components:
(defnc name-form
[{:keys [name on-change]}]
(d/input {:value name :on-change #(on-change (.. % -target -value))}))
(defnc job-form
[{:keys [job on-change]}]
(d/input {:value job :on-change #(on-change (.. % -target -value))}))
(defnc form
(let [[form-state set-form] (hooks/use-state default-form-state)]
($ name-form
{:name (:name form-state)
:on-change #(set-form assoc :name %)})
($ job-form
{:job (:job form-state)
:on-change #(set-form assoc :job %)})))
finally, let’s say you have 19 deeply nested components all over the place that all need this form state. first of all, I’m sorry, that sounds very complicated 😛 but that’s when I would use React context, which @oconn linked above!