@lilactown Trying out the helix.experimental.refresh which requires `react-refresh`. How do I exclude it from my production build?
Uncaught Error: React Refresh runtime should not be included in the production bundle.
If you don't require it in your production build, then you won't get that error. We solve this problem by using preloads.
@dominicm. Thank you. I do have it in my preloads, but it's still sneaking in somehow
:preloads [helix.experimental.refresh]
@mmakgaba did you disable refresh for the production build?
As in, the parameters to helix
Nope. That I did not. How exactly does that work. Is there a tag? We use figwheel.
@mmakgaba I did it using goog.DEBUG
Oh nice. Awesome. Thank you so much. I see the light
yeah. I should probably just bake that in
That would be awesome.