
jaime 2020-08-25T14:14:24.009600Z

Hi, are there any disadvantage for using the $ macro for primitive elements/components instead of helix.dom? I'm thinking to just use ($ :div "hello world") instead of (d/div "hello world") Reason 1. consistency betwenn primitive and user defined component, 2. intellij/cursive cannot resolve usage of d/div

lilactown 2020-08-25T15:26:56.010100Z

Yeah that’s fine.

lilactown 2020-08-25T15:27:50.010900Z

Cursive is adding support for helix so :hand_with_index_and_middle_fingers_crossed::skin-tone-2: that releases soon

jaime 2020-08-25T16:33:16.011500Z

Thanks for answering. Good to know 😁