
cfleming 2020-08-29T01:23:50.033800Z

Right. If you’re just analysing and not compiling, then you don’t need the foreign libs (generally, not sure if that’s always true). Here’s a change that Thomas made to codox, which was the original code cljdoc was based on: https://gist.github.com/thheller/5bc57a7571cf83fd12190ab7165cdb46#file-codox-cljs-clj-L87-L91

cfleming 2020-08-29T01:24:50.034800Z

So my understanding is that the code required to populate the js libs in the compiler state from node_modules is not called when using the analyser API, only when using the build API.

dominicm 2020-08-29T06:43:39.036200Z

One potential problem (that doesn't affect helix) is that it's perfectly valid to require [react]

cfleming 2020-08-30T05:16:52.041300Z

For my purposes, that shouldn’t affect analysis, I just need the analysis not to fail.

cfleming 2020-08-30T05:17:17.041500Z

The external deps are hardly ever used in e.g. calculating var metadata.

dominicm 2020-08-29T06:43:44.036400Z

No string required

Aron 2020-08-29T07:31:05.037100Z

I thought I had to use strings. Damn I am still such a newb, now I have to go back and read this again.

dominicm 2020-08-29T11:34:48.037600Z

You do (did?) in shadow, but not in clojurescript.

Aron 2020-08-29T11:45:19.037900Z

isn't shadow just a builder for cljs+js?

Aron 2020-08-29T11:45:44.038400Z

afaik it doesn't add new functionality, so it would be new information if it takes away existing ones

Aron 2020-08-29T11:46:05.038900Z

haven't read it yet, it's saturday noon, I don't want to work yet

dominicm 2020-08-29T12:22:41.039700Z

It does add new functionality. I believe it is a custom compiler, using the analysis data from clojurescript.

dominicm 2020-08-30T07:13:50.041700Z

I think there's a terminology gap. Maybe shadow technically is a build tool that uses the analysis differently? Maybe :default isn't syntax, but something else? I'm not sure.

dominicm 2020-08-30T07:14:47.041900Z

You can do things in shadow requires which aren't possible with a normal clojurescript main build. If you use those features in a library, then your library users must use shadow too.

Aron 2020-08-30T11:58:38.042100Z

so strings are needed because npm module names are not simple symbols, they have weird characters in them. This is something I am very curious how this approach: https://clojurescript.org/guides/webpack solves.

dominicm 2020-08-29T22:23:56.040200Z

This is not true > It does not introduce new “syntax” for require I can think of two instances (:default and "./") where there's differences.

dominicm 2020-08-29T22:27:05.040400Z

> It interfaces directly with cljs.analyzer and cljs.compiler and does some minor modifications since there are no “official” hooks into the namespace aliasing required for npm dependencies and such. Compilation of actual CLJS is unchanged and only the parts that involve interop with npm are changed. I'm very careful about introducing new stuff and want to remain 100% compatible, any new features are opt-in and have “fallbacks”.

dominicm 2020-08-29T22:27:23.040600Z

This is really the key thing, it adds stuff, it's not comparable to Figwheel.

Aron 2020-08-29T23:30:57.040800Z

Yeah, but then you must understand how confusing this is to me. Are you saying that the creator of this tool is either lying or mistaken? Not sure which is worse in this case 🙂

Aron 2020-08-29T23:35:38.041100Z

Figwheel is also a build tool? Before shadow-cljs I couldn't use clojurescript, mostly because of the impossibility to use npm modules (and since clojurescript and clojure are much more different from each other than js in the browser and node.js, this meant that while a js module was usable anywhere, you couldn't really use the same libraries both on the frontend and on the backend in cljs/cljs). I am stating this because I tried many many many times, first with lein, then with boot, to have a usable dev env, but it never worked out. Shadow-cljs was and still is the only way I can use clojure for production. It never occurred to me to compare it to figwheel before.