
sandeep 2021-05-30T09:59:50.011600Z

thanks for the pointer will look at your example.

practicalli-john 2021-05-30T13:49:03.017900Z

I can get the server running on Heroku, however, something is not quite right as I am unable to login to the website. There is an error regarding secret key but I also get that when running locally. My guess would be the uses of sqlite as the login database, whereas postgres would be more suitable for Heroku https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/sqlite3 Steps I took to get the server running on Heroku • forked the project • Inside the project root : heroku login to sign in and heroku create to create a new app with a random name • In the heroku dashboard, opened the settings for the app and set a config var of CLOJURE_CLI_VERSION with the latest version of CLI tools, • update system.clj file to pull in the PORT system environment variable https://github.com/practicalli-john/pingcrm-clojure/blob/main/src/pingcrm/system.clj#L12 • create a bin/build file and make it executable https://github.com/practicalli-john/pingcrm-clojure/blob/main/bin/build • create a Procfile https://github.com/practicalli-john/pingcrm-clojure/blob/main/Procfile • create an empty project.clj file • added a system.properties file to run with Java 11 (optional) https://github.com/practicalli-john/pingcrm-clojure/blob/main/system.properties

sandeep 2021-05-30T14:50:00.019200Z

thanks for the help. it is running . started learning clojure 2 days ago. directly jumped into the project

sandeep 2021-05-30T14:57:14.019600Z

will integrate postgres as i progress

sandeep 2021-05-30T17:41:03.019700Z

why did u remove the following lines

sandeep 2021-05-30T17:41:05.019900Z

:jar "pingcrm.jar" :main-class "pingcrm.system" :sync-pom true}

practicalli-john 2021-05-30T21:36:04.020100Z

It probably would be a more complete uberjar if those options were included, although as I'm specifying the main class on the command line (Procfiile) then it doesnt seem to make any difference. With these options added, I should be able to run the project using java -jar pingcrm.jar, although that didnt seem to work. The :aot option probably doesnt do anything useful as the source code doesn't seem to contain a :gen-class directive in the main namespace.