
Discussion of https://github.com/seancorfield/honeysql :slightly_smiling_face:

it looks a it like honeysql doesn't encourage to move list of fields to select outside of the query


because if I do then I need to do (apply h/select fields-list) for example


(and similarly for all the other helpers


but I guess it makes sense to not take vectors as input for everything since it makes a bit simpler in the common case


I'm also a bit confused by joins, so two joins in a row doesn't work

(-> (h/select :id)
    (h/from :t1)
    (h/join :t2 [:= :t1.id :t2.tid])
    (h/join :t3 [:= :t2.id :t3.tid])
    (sql/format :quoting :ansi :allow-dashed-names? true))

["SELECT \"id\" FROM \"t1\" INNER JOIN \"t3\" ON \"t2\".\"id\" = \"t3\".\"tid\""]


I can write it like this

(-> (h/select :id)
               (h/from :t1)
               (h/join :t2 [:= :t1.id :t2.tid]
                       :t3 [:= :t2.id :t3.tid])
               (sql/format :quoting :ansi :allow-dashed-names? true))
which does work, but the previous example should not fail silently imho


if I have different types of joins however it does work, but it inverts the order

(-> (h/select :id)
               (h/from :t1)
               (h/left-join :t2 [:= :t1.id :t2.tid])
               (h/join :t3 [:= :t2.id :t3.tid])
               (sql/format :quoting :ansi :allow-dashed-names? true))

["SELECT \"id\" FROM \"t1\" INNER JOIN \"t3\" ON \"t2\".\"id\" = \"t3\".\"tid\" LEFT JOIN \"t2\" ON \"t1\".\"id\" = \"t2\".\"tid\""]


and also inverting the position of join/left-join I get the same result

donaldball 2017-11-15T15:01:28.000218Z

IIRC, the order of clauses in the resulting query is determined by their type, not by their insertion order. I don’t think that changes the results for joins.

donaldball 2017-11-15T15:04:04.000545Z

The query builder helper functions don’t complain when you’re replacing a clause in a query map instead of setting one that has no value. I agree that’s initially confusing perhaps but similar to how assoc works and I’d venture it’s generally the behavior one would like.


yes I understand now but not sure that the paragon with assoc is relevant


since assoc doesn't replace the previous statement, it still "accumulates" and only replaces value if they are the same keys


if it was true instead of

(-> {}
               (assoc :a 1)
               (assoc :b 2))
{:a 1, :b 2}
that should return {:b 2}


and well the order probably doesn't matter, but maintaining it would still be nice so it's kind of easier to compare the result query with what you wnat


and also in a way when writing SQL every JOIN is generally considered a separate thing


in honeysql they are just grouped together by type of statement, which seems a bit arbitrary in a way, writing them separately would make more sense to me

donaldball 2017-11-15T15:43:06.000354Z

FWIW when I write honeysql, I never use the query helper fns, I just update the query map directly, so e.g. (update query :join (fnil conj []) [:t3 [:= :t2.id :t3.tid]]) or similar


uhm yeah well I try to use the helpers since in theory they give more guarantees


at least you can't have a silly type like :jon which goes undetected


but also realised they don't really give many more guarantees either

seancorfield 2017-11-15T16:08:19.000439Z

Use merge-join @andrea.crotti

seancorfield 2017-11-15T16:08:46.000330Z

(from memory - I'm not at my desk yet)


mm for what @seancorfield?

seancorfield 2017-11-15T16:56:55.000565Z

When you want to add (multiple) JOINs to a query.

seancorfield 2017-11-15T16:57:12.000311Z

That's what merge-select, merge-join, and merge-where are about.

seancorfield 2017-11-15T16:58:36.000272Z

@andrea.crotti I use the merge-* versions all the time for composing query fragments together programmatically. There's a merge-left-join too.

seancorfield 2017-11-15T16:59:45.000893Z

Also merge-from, merge-right-join, and merge-full-join (Those I had to go lookup in the source/docs).

seancorfield 2017-11-15T17:01:03.000295Z

A few of them are mentioned in the README: > To add to clauses instead of replacing them, use merge-select, merge-where, etc.:

(-> sqlmap
    (merge-select :d :e)
    (merge-where [:> :b 10])
=> ["SELECT a, b, c, d, e FROM foo WHERE (f.a = ? AND b > ?)" "baz" 10]