
Discussion of https://github.com/seancorfield/honeysql :slightly_smiling_face:

seancorfield 2018-07-02T14:30:38.000328Z

[honeysql "0.9.3"] is available -- see https://github.com/jkk/honeysql/blob/master/CHANGES.md for what's new!

seancorfield 2018-07-02T14:31:11.000339Z

@richiardiandrea It looks like a cljs/js version of this lib is pushed somewhere? I've no idea how to do that. Is that something you do?

seancorfield 2018-07-02T14:32:57.000315Z

I updated package.json to show version 0.9.3...

richiardiandrea 2018-07-02T16:54:19.000332Z

@seancorfield yes there is! https://github.com/jkk/honeysql/pull/208

richiardiandrea 2018-07-02T16:54:42.000230Z

I should remember to open an issue and check the reader at some point on lumo

seancorfield 2018-07-02T16:58:51.000048Z

@richiardiandrea Since I never interact with npm, can you do whatever is necessary for this? Including updating the macrovich npm dependency if necessary (it currently has snapshot on it).

seancorfield 2018-07-02T16:59:16.000030Z

Or is this something that only Justin can do?

richiardiandrea 2018-07-02T16:59:35.000178Z

I can do it for sure

richiardiandrea 2018-07-02T17:00:25.000249Z

Today is holiday and no-laptop day so later this week

seancorfield 2018-07-02T17:02:16.000104Z

Well, since I "don't care" about the npm stuff, I'm in no rush for it 🙂 And I'm off to England this week and will be mostly unplugged for a couple of weeks.

👍 1