Hi! what’s the correct way to tell insert-into
to treat a column from the map a as a vector? (i am trying to save it as a jsonb.)
{:insert-into :cal_holiday_calendar,
[{:name "tuesdays",
:code "_tuesdays",
:status {:v :active},
:weekend {:v :sat-sun},
:workdays [2 3 4]}]}
i want workdays to be stored as json in my db (postgres). (Raw sql with next.jdbc works just fine).
honeysql throws
java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: Alias should have two parts[2 3 4]
(= 2 (count x))
@jmayaalv What JDBC library are you using with HoneySQL?
has a bunch of functions in next.jdbc.types
for wrapping values to "hint" how they should be stored into the JDBC parameters.
(make sure you're using a recent version of next.jdbc
https://cljdoc.org/d/seancorfield/next.jdbc/1.1.613/api/next.jdbc.types#as-array might help.
So :workdays (as-array [2 3 4])
might work. HoneySQL should treat that as an opaque value and next.jdbc
should use the type hint to set the parameter.
perfect! thank you!
LMK if it works.
tested with as-array
and got
Cannot cast an instance of clojure.lang.PersistentVector to type
Hmm, OK. So have a read of the next.jdbc
docs that talk about using arrays in PostgreSQL (Tips & Tricks).
I assume you're using PG?
yes, i am using Postgres. If understand correctly this would save the object as Postgres’ Array but i can’t really change the type of the column right now need to store it as json (jsonb).
and can’t extend SettableParameter
as java arrays don’t have a type 😕
I'd expect this to work
(extend-protocol SettableParameter
(Class/forName "[Lfoo.bar.MyClass;")
(set-parameter [a b c] ,,,))
scary but worth trying 🙂 thanks. I’ll confirm if it works in a while 🙂
@seancorfield will honeysql be safe against sql injection when we call sql/format
with {:inline true}
The array is a Clojure vector, not a Java array.
@viebel In general that's never going to be safe. When I work on the documentation, I'll make that clear. The code can be updated to escape '
so that a string of "it's"
will correctly convert to a legal SQL string (I don't think I've gotten that part done yet), but it can only do so much escaping. You should only use :inline
when you have a very specific need to do that and you can trust the incoming data.
Could you give me an example of a malicious honeysql map ?
I thought this might be (in HoneySQL v2) but it seems that I do escape '
user=> (-> (select :*) (from :table) (where [:= :id "foo'; drop table user"]) (h/format {:inline true}))
["SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = 'foo''; drop table user'"]
With HoneySQL v1, that is dangerous:
user=> (-> (select :*) (from :table) (where [:= :id "'foo'; drop table user"]) (h/format :parameterizer :none))
["SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = 'foo'; drop table user"]
because no escaping is done.Note: the string is slightly different in those two examples. Here's v2 presented with that string:
user=> (-> (select :*) (from :table) (where [:= :id "'foo'; drop table user"]) (h/format {:inline true}))
["SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = '''foo''; drop table user'"]
(not valid SQL -- I'm not sure if someone could construct a string parameter that would produce valid SQL and also be an injection attack but I wouldn't bet on it either way)
Yeah. I tried the same. But in V2 I was not able to unescape the string quotes.
For the sake of curiosity: Could it be proved that V2 is safe?
I'll leave that as an "exercise for the reader" 🙂
Yeah, But it’s smart string concatenation that quotes the variables depending on the type
(I would be extremely wary of using :inline true
except in very restrictive situations -- I mean, why would you want to inline the parameters in the first place?)
Hi, I need to call a Postgres stored procedure that expects a text[] parameter, but can't get it to work. Maybe you can enlighten me? If I try the following, here's what I get:
(def param-names ["HOST_MNO"])
(def session-auth-id "1234")
(def offer-id 88060)
(def addon-name "MASTER_MNO")
(println (-> (honeysql.helpers/select :*)
(honeysql.helpers/from (honeysql.core/call :meta_db.get_offer_param_value_list :?session-auth-id :?offer-id :?addon-name :?param-name-array))
(honeysql.core/format :params {:session-auth-id session-auth-id :offer-id offer-id :addon-name addon-name :param-name-array (honeysql.types/array param-names)})))
["SELECT * FROM meta_db.get_offer_param_value_list(?, ?, ?, ?)" "1234" 88060 "MASTER_MNO" #sql/array (["HOST_MNO"])]
Any chance I could get something like:
["SELECT * FROM meta_db.get_offer_param_value_list(?, ?, ?, ARRAY[?])" "1234" 88060 "MASTER_MNO" "HOST_MNO"]
Thanks.Finally gave up on using a bindable param for the array.
user> (println (-> (honeysql.helpers/select :*)
(honeysql.helpers/from (honeysql.core/call :meta_db.get_offer_param_value_list :?session-auth-id :?offer-id :?addon-name (honeysql.types/array param-names)))
(honeysql.core/format :params {:session-auth-id session-auth-id :offer-id offer-id :addon-name addon-name})))
["SELECT * FROM meta_db.get_offer_param_value_list(?, ?, ?, ARRAY[?]") "1234" 88060 "MASTER_MNO" "HOST_MNO"]