Is it possible to create VALUES in FROM for postgresql in honeysql 1.x (or 2)?
ah nevermind scratch that, I realised it’s an issue with values in from requiring an alias, got what I wanted with
(sql/format {:select [[:column1 :num]]
:from [[{:values [[1] [2] [3]]} :vraw]]})
Migrating our codebase to honeysql v2. An easy transition but I’m glad that we have end-to-end tests. If we had a bigger codebase I’d investigate an automated approach with rewrite-clj
Thank you @seancorfield for taking the time to do this work. I particularly like some error messages that I saw!
We’re migrating one query at a time at work — since we can have both v1 and v2 required into the same namespace.
I using both (versions of honeysql) at the moment. I just rewrote a query using honeysql which was previously in hugsql... it's way more fun (and easier to debug).
A lot of our queries are interconnected so they have to be changed as a unit. But otherwise we have hugsql, honeysql 1 and honeysql 2 :) We have committed to standardize on honeysql 2 though.
Where can I get a t-shirt
If only HoneySQL had a project logo…
If you like Calva's and clojure-lsp's logo, you could ask @jayzawrotny
Nikitonsky designed clj-kondo and babashka's logo, but he's quite busy I think
@lee also made a few logo's (jet and sci). So there, a few ideas
I also did rewrite-clj's current logo. It was not terribly imaginative, but I also came up with the clj-kondo icon :clj-kondo:. Borkdude and I had some fun working out and logos. The lil hammock person is from me too: :hammock: . I would consider myself an amateur, but if you seriously want a logo, and none more talented makes an offer, I could take a stab at it sometime.
The icon is iconic, thanks again @lee
For you? Anytime!