@thedavidmeister here is an example of implementing something via the catch all elem!
multimethod https://github.com/hoplon/hoplon/blob/57b1bae675ac58d9d67eb0d9ef2a326e85f69c9d/src/hoplon/core.cljs#L380-L406
We forward all the :hoplon/*
internal calls to hl!
which implements the logic, this allows external libs to override internal parts of Hoplon
@thedavidmeister alternatively you could do something like
(defmethod on! :dnd/*
[elem key fn]
(on! elem (keyword (name key)) fn))
@flyboarder cheers, i'll check that out in a bit
wish that worked
oh, it was just :html (j/cell= (js/marked c))
using [cljsjs/marked "0.3.5-1"]