@thedavidmeister do you have an idea how I can do this better?
seems there should be a macro for this
mmm, what would you like it to look like?
can i make my own states, or is it exactly these ones?
@thedavidmeister id like something that takes a hashmap of cells and returns a proper cell, I think formula-of
could be used for this?
mmm i ran into something similar when playing with loop-tpl*
but in reverse
i wanted to split a cell that is a list into individual cells
javelin has some built in features, maybe i missed something but i found it didn't handle the scenario where the structure of the cells changes over time
so, having a fixed set of "slots" to plug cells in/out of a bigger cell was much easier than having an arbitrary and dynamic configuration of small cells tied to the aggregate cell
so yeah, is it a fixed set of cells, or can they come and go over time?
Well right now it’s fixed, but I’d like people to be able to add their own