hey, did anyone ever get a pattern/component library repo happening?
whelp, i'm going to put something super minimal at https://github.com/thedavidmeister/hoplon-elem-lib
ah well this is pretty sweet, if i do say so myself 😛
(defn elem
[name desc f examples]
:class/elem-lib "elem-lib-item"
:id (camel-snake-kebab.core/->kebab-case-string name)
(h/h2 name)
(h/code (str f))
(h/p desc)
(h/for-tpl [[d & args] examples]
(h/div :class/elem-lib "elem-lib-example"
(h/h3 d)
(h/for-tpl [arg args]
(j/with-let [code-block (h/code)]
:class/elem-lib "clojure"
(let [arg' @arg]
(h/with-animation-frame (syntax-highlighter.hoplon/highlight! code-block))
(pr-str @arg))))))
(apply @f @args)))))
20 LOC elem library that has syntax highlighting and dynamic updating
"Simple div"
"This is just a div produced by hoplon"
[["No args"]
["Hello world!" "Hello world!"]
["A cell" (j/cell "A cell")]
["Attributes and content" :class "some-class" "Hi!"]
["A counter" (j/with-let [c (j/cell 0)]
(h/with-interval 1000 (swap! c inc)))]])))
i'll get something up on clojars soonish