@flyboarder yeah i know right?
i'm probably going to split out a stripe wrapper next, depending on how a client project goes...
yeah I have some stripe code lying around too
i'm trying to make it silly easy to prototype app ideas
it's definitely getting there lol
after years of messing around with low level stuff, i'm getting scarily high level with hoplon...
yeah there is a growing amount of community components for Hoplon thats for sure!…. and boot :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes_and_hand_covering_mouth:
oh also i made a scroll spy based on intersection observer that i should spin out too
we need one of those cool sites where you go and can search all the things...
ah also, i did a wrapper for goog.i18n that makes it usable, if you're into that kind of thing 😉
technically not hoplon, so off topic, but originally it was cell based before i open sourced it 😛
https://codeburst.io/what-is-hoplon-13d11cd7bbc2 if anyone is interested 🙂
thedavidmeister thats an excellent overview, tweet and i shall retweet!
@alandipert thanks! i tweeted and @ you
tweets have been tweeted
@thedavidmeister for your branching pleasure
I would like to possibly benchmark this version
sure, i think i did some benchmarking on something recently...
1 sec
ah boo, it was clj only
cljs i only had performance.now
clj had criterium which is pretty cool
im using taoensso.tufte for profiling right now
ah cool
somehow i missed that
which is odd because i've written "taoensso" enough to spell it correctly...
well that's cool then, can you get tufte to run a set of benchmarks as a boot task?
then we can plug into circle or something
at the moment I have just been wrapping my apps entry point, running it 5 times and seeing what average I get