For example the above library can add a la carte reactivity to a lightweight dom system like @onetom described above (or improved templating for hoplon proper?)
(defn reconciliate! [old-el new-el]
(r/apply (r/diff new-el old-el) old-el))
(defn tpl [f]
(fn [& args]
(let [e (apply f (map deref args))]
(doseq [arg args]
(add-watch arg (gensym)
(fn [k ref o new]
(->> (map #(if (= % ref) new (deref %)) args)
(apply f)
(reconciliate! e)))))
(`r/...` is an alias of reconcile.js)
(def x (atom 0))
(def y (atom 100))
(def z (atom []))
(defn page3 []
(fn [x* y*] (div
(str "x is" x*)
(str "y is" y*)
x y)
((tpl (fn [z*] (div ;;required non-empty div due to bug in reconcile.js
(div (for [n z*] (div (str n "!")))))))
(button {:onclick #(swap! x inc)} "click")
(button {:onclick #(swap! y + 100)} "click2")
(button {:onclick #(swap! z conj (rand))} "click3")))
definitely can be polished i think, but this works and in my initial tests seems considerably more efficient than hoplon templating
@jjttjj thanks for the example, i will think about it!
my only concern with code which is using (add-watch)
is how is it going to be reloadable, to make sure that there are no obsolete change handler functions are fired.
good point, haven't considered that