For the first option, I would define a formula cell that mutates the 3 related input cells when it's changed? Not sure how the 2nd option (`do-watch`) plays with formula cells (or not)...Appreciate the answer a lot, do you think you could give a small example of what defining the 3 (more?) cells looks like?
I think the 1st idea you gave was staring me right in the face on the doc page for Javelin (
(cell= (.log js/console c)) ;; anonymous formula cell for side effects.
@jamesvickers19515 i'll make a simple example later today for you, hopefully that will clarify
@jamesvickers19515 the alternative is to use a lens cell
such as (cell= original-cell (dosync (reset! cell1 value1) (reset! cell2 value2) (reset! cell3 value3)))
where original-cell
is a mix of the other cells or something along those lines
oh yeah, i forgot about that one!