@dave I dont see that version on clojars
@flyboarder whoops! my mistake. it looks like we're using a fork: https://clojars.org/rowtr/google-maps
@dave can you test a build from that pr? I’ll merge it if it’s working for you
@flyboarder i've tested it and it works great, although i noticed these warnings:
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var hoplon.google.jsapi.maps/map__34143 at line 135 /home/dave/.config/boot/cache/tmp/home/dave/code/geir/eho/-u9zwz5/index.7d4dc4d9965e41d4a7ee7248cc20917f.html.out/hoplon/google/jsapi/maps.cljs
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var hoplon.google.jsapi.maps/map__34143 at line 135 /home/dave/.config/boot/cache/tmp/home/dave/code/geir/eho/-u9zwz5/index.7d4dc4d9965e41d4a7ee7248cc20917f.html.out/hoplon/google/jsapi/maps.cljs
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var hoplon.google.jsapi.maps/map__34154 at line 139 /home/dave/.config/boot/cache/tmp/home/dave/code/geir/eho/-u9zwz5/index.7d4dc4d9965e41d4a7ee7248cc20917f.html.out/hoplon/google/jsapi/maps.cljs
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var hoplon.google.jsapi.maps/map__34154 at line 139 /home/dave/.config/boot/cache/tmp/home/dave/code/geir/eho/-u9zwz5/index.7d4dc4d9965e41d4a7ee7248cc20917f.html.out/hoplon/google/jsapi/maps.cljs
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var hoplon.google.jsapi.maps/map__34156 at line 139 /home/dave/.config/boot/cache/tmp/home/dave/code/geir/eho/-u9zwz5/index.7d4dc4d9965e41d4a7ee7248cc20917f.html.out/hoplon/google/jsapi/maps.cljs
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var hoplon.google.jsapi.maps/map__34156 at line 139 /home/dave/.config/boot/cache/tmp/home/dave/code/geir/eho/-u9zwz5/index.7d4dc4d9965e41d4a7ee7248cc20917f.html.out/hoplon/google/jsapi/maps.cljs
they appear very similar to the ones described in this issue, so i assume they aren't caused by the changes in the PR
https://github.com/hoplon/google-maps/issues/2@dave what about a newer version of the maps library?
does that fix it? looks like there are externs already
v3.35 looks to be the latest
Are you comiling with advanced?
@dave ^
there might be some property renaming happening from what it looks like
Can't dig in at the moment... Will take a closer look soon
@flyboarder i'm a js externs n00b... looks like the latest cljsjs/google-maps available is 3.18-1
i guess one would have to update that in order to test further