Having a problem starting a new hoplon project. Have installed Boot and followed the instructions to start a new project on the Get Started page. Running boot dev fails with ClassNotFoundException and clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo both in javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter file: "cljs/util.cljc" line: 1. Any ideas what might be wrong?
i saw this and then found https://github.com/hoplon/hoplon/issues/262, it looks like the template might (still) be out of date. in the generated project, you may consider updating the hoplon/hoplon dep to see if that fixes
otherwise @flyboarder might have additional insight
Yeah template probably needs to be updated to 7.2
Thanks. Now its working Hoplon 7.2 and Java 10. I ended up changing lots so not entirely sure what the exact problem was but seemed to be related to the version of Java.
glad its working!