@bostonaholic luminus handles this "automatically" if you use +postgres
when generating the project - in db.core
namespace it will generate the code for handling jsonb
look at this: https://github.com/luminus-framework/luminus-template/blob/master/resources/leiningen/new/luminus/db/src/sql.db.clj#L70
thanks, but I’m not using luminus
You can at least inspire; or perhaps use that code to avoid doing the custom parsing for every select
yeah, if I notice it’s a think I’ll need to do a lot, I’ll consider it. Thanks for the reference.
@bostonaholic you can use libraries like https://github.com/remodoy/clj-postgresql
but there is json string parsing under the hood anyway https://github.com/remodoy/clj-postgresql/blob/master/src/clj_postgresql/types.clj#L228