
adam 2020-06-20T18:22:40.027300Z

How can I escape :i:table identifier? I have a table named user which is reserved in Postgres and it's issuing an error due to that

seancorfield 2020-06-20T18:25:29.027900Z

@somedude314 According to the HugSQL docs, you can provide :quoting :ansi as part of the options passed to def-db-fns

seancorfield 2020-06-20T18:26:21.028800Z

I don't know if that will solve this particular case -- I'm not a HugSQL user -- but most of the SQL libraries have quoting options to deal with this sort of thing.

adam 2020-06-20T18:28:24.029400Z

It did solve the issue, thank you so much