@dustingetz uploaded a file: https://clojurians.slack.com/files/U09K620SG/F8NQSLJSG/eric_dustin_q_a.txt
just configuring linux man 🙂 and reading hyperfiddle
I was thinking about spending 6k for a 64gb mac pro, think i should run linux instead?
I am disenchanted with the recent iteration of macs
you might want to consider :spits: windows
is it crazy that i want hyperfiddle to manage my lamdas?
like if all of my code is in it's database
why am i managing where it's deployed
@ericfode I added a bunch of screenshots. Do you think I wrote too much?
https://github.com/hyperfiddle/hyperfiddle is rewritten again
is "higher layers" layers that are closer to the top of the list or layers with a higher index?
getting much clearer. I like the UI examples. I would still like a diagram of how it works... I'm not sure my mental model is correct.
The pictures you added really illuminate the renderer
Idont understand your question
a the top of the document you have a list of layers that hyperfiddle consists of
app-as-a-function: managed data sync, userland is a function app-as-a-value: data-driven CRUD model, userland is EDN automatic dashboards: dynamic forms/UI library, customize markup with functions structural editor: edit EDN app-values and store them in Datomic
function is the bottom
maybe reverse the order of the list
hm ok
after reading the rest of the document and understanding what the structure editor does it was clear that was the top
but starting at the top of the document I was not entirely sure.
I’ll think about how to clarify that sentence, thanks
by automatic dashboards do you mean like metrics about how the app is performing?
or do you mean like inspecting the values that are currently in your app?
or both?
given edn of {:fiddle/query “[:find blah blah]” …}, hyperfiddle will render a UI for it
Ah I understand your question now
Admin dashboard might mean, what are the things that an administrator cares about as to the operation of the app
I just mean every fiddle edn can be rendered as a working ui
Swagger UI doesn’t use the word dashboard or admin, interesting
makes sense
“Generate UI from fiddle edn” or something would be a better header
Also important is that, if you fuck it up by overlaying broken custom rendeerers, you can get back to the auto ui
that is an important tidbit
is your state reducers basically a state machine implemented as a reducer?
that would be cool though
well, actually, i dont really understand that stuff, Karl did all that, I do see some parallels to a state machine, and im honestly not clear on exactly what reducer even means
I was assuming he was reffering to clojure.reduce
reducer is a javascript ecosystem concept from redux
lol you implemented re-frame
Yeah, basically
very interesting work @dustingetz
Reframe doesn’t support SSR, and they don’t seem to care, so it’s a non starter
Thank you @conaw!
A good distinguishing point...
makes sense given it's original use case was on electron apps
Oh really? I nver knew that
(i'm implying this from re-com being made by the same group and appearing about the same time and explicitly stating that)
This is cool thing about statecharts https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15835005 Easy to imagine userland apps using a state model that looks like that, it would fit nicely with our vision
very interesting
Actually; the fiddle EDN captures a lot of the application state. Another way to say that is, the web browsers URL bar is a perfectly good state atom
So you could structurally analyse a graph of hyperfiddles and probably render a statechart for it
We had loom hooked up to hyperfiddle at one point (https://github.com/aysylu/loom)
You could totally write a datomic query that renders as a sitemap
@dustingetz uploaded a file: https://clojurians.slack.com/files/U09K620SG/F8NCCCG8Z/image.png
Its actually kind of necessary; because if you stage up a bunch of edits all for one transaction, you want a nice visual way to say “Okay, what’s dirty, what is this huge transaction changing so i can double check it”
And catch dangling fiddles that nobody links to anymore , that kind of thing