

Hi, can I have beta access please? (Signed in as 'jcoady612')

atroche 2018-08-02T23:02:58.000219Z

Hi, can I have beta access please? roche.a

atroche 2018-08-02T23:03:49.000096Z

And I'll post the questions I emailed to you here, just in case others are interested: Any plans for a “history” interface? I love that the buttons that trigger transaction functions ask for a confirmation message. Does it record which user “staged” the data?


Hi Alistair! The history is on my own personal wishlist so I can figure out what people are doing in beta, lol. Not on the immediate roadmap though. Yes, we do record who transacted in the tx entity, and we are experimenting with using it for a security layer abstraction


@atroche There is a short queue for the beta but you're in it. @spacemods you too, thanks for the ping