
fdserr 2018-09-27T04:03:57.000100Z

Hi, may I have transact permission in tank? I'm François (`fʁɑ̃swa` if you can, doesn't really matter). I code and tweet as @fdserr. I make stuff and train people to make stuff with clj/s+d at our PALO IT shops in Singapore, Hong-Kong, and Sydney. I'm dead curious about your concepts and your designs, and coding using cats. Right now I'm strugglig with the n key of my MacBook. Thanks for sharig, long live hf!

danieljomphe 2018-09-27T15:06:06.000100Z

As for my own introduction (👋 Hi! I'm Daniel), I've been watching your space a lot since I discovered your excellent hypercrud blog at the time. Always interested in reading your next batch of opinions. Always thinking about which project I'll try hyperfiddle on first. I'm not yet asking for transaction permissions, though. I'll re-go through the updated tutorial, thanks! 🎉 In the meantime, when I re-saw this image, I thought of you because you might like to use it in some of your discussions or opinions, so let me share it here. https://cl.ly/96a717616f5b

danieljomphe 2018-09-27T15:07:45.000100Z

I thought of you because I suspect you could be seen discussing what hyperfiddle enables the most in those ranges.