immutant Note: dev discussion happens in #immutant on FreeNode IRC.

@jaen: I saw your question on IRC re:ALPN. I haven't tried it yet, but take a look at and see if that helps

jaen 2015-11-15T20:11:00.000004Z

@tcrawley: I'm somewhat further now, I've figured I have to add this as a dep - [org.mortbay.jetty.alpn/alpn-boot "8.1.5.v20150921"] this made the application actually boot.

jaen 2015-11-15T20:11:14.000005Z

But when I try to connect it fails the handshake reporting no ciphers present

jaen 2015-11-15T20:11:28.000006Z

(defn start!
  "Starts the application."

  (let [port (or (some-> environ/env :port Integer.)
        ssl-context (less-awful-ssl/ssl-context "certs/server.pkcs8" "certs/server.crt" "certs/rootCA.pem")
        configuration (-> (undertow/options {:host ""
                                             :port port
                                             :ssl-port 8443
                                             :ssl-context ssl-context})
                          #_(update :configuration #(doto %
                                                    (.setServerOption UndertowOptions/ENABLE_HTTP2 true)
                                                    (.setServerOption UndertowOptions/ENABLE_SPDY true))))]
    (reset! check-amusement-park-job-handle (scheduling/schedule check-amusement-park-job job-interval))
    (reset! web-server-handle (web/run handler configuration))))

jaen 2015-11-15T20:11:35.000007Z

This is how I try to setup the handler

jaen 2015-11-15T20:12:30.000008Z

It was a bit of a pain to figure the options out, but I think they are right according to the docs

jaen 2015-11-15T20:13:50.000010Z

I'm not sure what am I doing wrong so it reports no ciphers

jaen 2015-11-15T20:14:40.000011Z

I tried generating certificatess both with the method as described in less awful ssl repo and signing keys by hand as well


hmm, would you mind filing an issue with a sample app? perhaps @jcrossley3 can take a look - I'm traveling now, so likely won't have a chance to look at it for a few days

jaen 2015-11-15T20:16:34.000013Z

On the JIRA?


yes please:

jaen 2015-11-15T20:18:47.000015Z

Sure, I was going to do it as well, since that's what you said on IRC, I just thought I'd share that in case I'm doing something obviously wrong.

jaen 2015-11-15T20:19:25.000016Z

I'll let you (or jcrossley3 if you prefer) know when I set the issue and repor app up.


thanks! feel free to let us both know, and I'll take a look if I have the chance

jaen 2015-11-15T20:24:03.000018Z

Sure thing, thanks for the interest! I was quite looking forward to Immutant supporting HTTP2

jaen 2015-11-15T20:24:24.000019Z

And it turned out to be a bit hard to get working so far

jaen 2015-11-15T20:24:34.000020Z

So help is appreciated a lot