@tcrawley: the issue states message sizes greater than 300k. I can see corruption for lower sizes too. Added some details of the exceptions I am seeing to the Undertow issue. https://issues.jboss.org/browse/UNDERTOW-684?focusedCommentId=13195644&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-13195644 I dont know how you guys are setup, but in case you interact with Stuart Douglas (the resolver of the above issue), could you bring this to his notice. Thanks. And assuming the above issue covers the bugs I am seeing, when would Immutant pick up the Undertow version carrying the fix (1.4.0 i guess)?
@tcrawley: Stuart has seen my comment and says that his fix should cover the issues I am seeing.
@moizsj: once Stuart releases something with a fix (I suspect he'll put out a 1.3.x first), you can easily test it using a dep exclusion and a direct dep
if that works, we can update fairly quickly, assuming the new version doesn't cause any issues
ok sounds like a good idea
we tried to update to a newer undertow in 2.1.3, but saw some performance regressions, so held off
we'll have to look at that again with this new version
oh dang
what would those exclusions and deps be? @tcrawley
let me check
@moizsj: something like: https://gist.github.com/55fb2369034fdbaa009a569ab5e00b9c
but with an undertow version that actually fixes the issue
@tcrawley: thanks!
my pleasure!