@richiardiandrea: I'm trying to understand what your needs are - would you mind stating your use case?
@tcrawley: thanks for asking but on my side I solved, see snippet above
your wait-for-close?
Yep, I put this in my main and it blocks until the server exits
what is triggering the server to exit? a ^-C? or are you calling web/stop
Yes I call stop as part of the app life cycle, and the start is executed in separate thread
hmm. I'm glad that works for you, but it really shouldn't :) Fns registered with at-exit
will only be called when the JVM exits
I'll try it locally
Oh, ok...just put a mount defstate and that snippet in the main together with a a mount/start before it
To have the same situation as here
I've never used mount, so wouldn't know where to start :)
I tried this:
(ns exit.core
(:require [immutant.web :as web])
(defn wait-for-close
(let [promise (promise)]
(immutant.util/at-exit #(deliver promise "please shutdown"))
(defn -main [& args]
(web/run (fn [req] {:status 200 :body "hi"})
(Thread/sleep 5000)
(println "Stopping")
(println "done"))
and it doesn't exit after printing "Stopping". I don't see "done"
So maybe in my case is working because I am also exiting the jvm
I haven't paid attention too much to that distinction until you told me
what does work is:
(ns exit.core
(:require [immutant.web :as web])
(defn wait-for-close
(let [promise (promise)]
(immutant.util/at-exit #(do (deliver promise "please shutdown")
(println "AT-EXIT")))
(defn -main [& args]
(web/run (fn [req] {:status 200 :body "hi"})
(Thread/sleep 5000)
(println "Stopping")
(println "done"))
well, I see "Stopping AT-EXIT done", but the JVM doesn't exit
so there are still non-daemon threads running somewhere
ah, it's likely the agent threadpool
let me (shutdown-agents)
to see
Yes I have to do shutdown-agents as well
yeah, that does the trick. I just (shutdown-agents)
after (wait-for-close)
is designed for repl use, and basically stops all of the running Immutant services, and triggers all the at-exit
Great good to know
so this will work once you add in immutant messaging, caching, etc.
Does it release resources as well? In a reloaded workflow this is important as well...
it should shut down all the various thread pools that any service starts, so you should be good
if you see a leak, that's a bug we should fix
I mean don't prevent the GC of pools and friends
Great ok
we use that in our testing, and haven't noticed any leaks
but we shouldn't be holding any hard references after reset
Tnx a lot
my pleasure!
Could not locate immutang/...
it's a merging of wu tang clan and immutant
or maybe powdered orange drink
i was thinking the drink
I'm always thinking about drink