immutant Note: dev discussion happens in #immutant on FreeNode IRC.
jfntn 2016-11-23T04:21:49.000552Z

Hi everyone

jfntn 2016-11-23T04:23:32.000553Z

I just migrated our app to immutant and while it works great with lein run or in the repl, running the uberjar leaves me with blank responses from undertow

jfntn 2016-11-23T04:27:35.000554Z

Also seeing ERROR: HQ214016: Failed to create netty connection when the app starts, which I’m not sure is related to undertow?


@jfntn: that error looks like it is from HornetQ. Can you gist the full log? and your project.clj?


@jfntn smells like a conflict, i.e. some dep is dragging in a different version of netty. see what lein with-profile :uberjar deps :tree says


@jcrossley3: what are you doing here?!!?


avoiding my family?




I'm happy to help with that



jfntn 2016-11-23T14:12:13.000566Z

Hi @tcrawley , @jcrossley3 lein deps :tree doesn’t show any conflicts, I’ve had to add some exclusions to get there though. I also learned that this command is not bulletproof since we were unable to add alpeh to our project due to a dependency conflict with datomic around netty in fact. This issue didn’t appear in the ouput of lein and would only show up using mvn.


@jfntn: I would suspect a difference in dependencies brought in by the :dev vs :uberjar profiles, since you see different behavior with the uberjar. Try lein with-profile uberjar deps :tree and compare that to lein deps :tree (which will use the :dev profile)