immutant Note: dev discussion happens in #immutant on FreeNode IRC.
andrei 2017-09-04T09:22:17.000195Z

is activemq still supported by immutant?

andrei 2017-09-04T09:22:37.000047Z

because in the api docs I only see HornetQ being mentioned

andrei 2017-09-04T09:34:35.000012Z

I think I got confused by all these ActiveMQ code names. > HornetQ under the new name ActiveMQ Artemis so I guess HornetQ and Artemis are the same thing?


@andrei The HornetQ that ships with Immutant is a pre-Artemis version, but yes, Artemis and HornetQ are basically the same thing now

andrei 2017-09-04T12:47:04.000299Z

does that mean that I can use immutant for talking to ActiveMQ 5?

andrei 2017-09-04T12:47:18.000357Z



AMQ 5 predates Artemis, so you would have to do a bit of work to use it with Immutant. You'd have to build a wunderboss adapter for it, similar to


@andrei ^

andrei 2017-09-04T13:07:51.000164Z


jrotenberg 2017-09-04T23:17:07.000119Z

you also can’t wear pants while using it with immutant

jrotenberg 2017-09-04T23:17:16.000048Z

so just keep that in mind

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