immutant Note: dev discussion happens in #immutant on FreeNode IRC.
yogthos 2018-01-01T19:48:34.000022Z

I noticed that Immutant immutant.web.middleware/wrap-session function doesn't set a ring-session cookie by default

yogthos 2018-01-01T19:49:03.000034Z

the wrap-session middleware in Ring core does the [following](

(defn- session-options
  {:store        (options :store (mem/memory-store))
   :cookie-name  (options :cookie-name "ring-session")
   :cookie-attrs (merge {:path "/"
                         :http-only true}
                        (options :cookie-attrs)
                        (if-let [root (options :root)]
                          {:path root}))})

yogthos 2018-01-01T19:49:27.000048Z

I think it would be good to match this behavior as other middleware can rely on the cookie name

kaosko 2018-01-01T20:34:12.000096Z

does anybody know if immutant has any proxyname configuration similar to tomcat, for when it's run behind a proxy?