
rgorrepati 2017-01-08T19:33:37.000009Z

Hi, Why does this throw an exception?

rgorrepati 2017-01-08T19:34:11.000011Z

Unhandled org.jblas.exceptions.LapackException LAPACK DGESV: Linear equation cannot be solved because the matrix was singular. 274 org.jblas.SimpleBlas/gesv 50 org.jblas.Solve/solve core.clj: 1023 clatrix.core/solve core.clj: 1035 clatrix.core/i core.clj: 788 incanter.core/solve stats.clj: 2092 incanter.stats/linear-model

rgorrepati 2017-01-08T19:34:57.000013Z

That one above doesn’t throw the exception, for some reason

rgorrepati 2017-01-08T19:35:58.000014Z

I am using incanter 1.9.0 with clojure 1.7.0 on Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_73-b02)