
If you're not trampolining your parser, why bother getting up in the morning?
aengelberg 2015-06-25T05:50:20.000080Z

Yay, it works!

lucasbradstreet 2015-06-25T07:49:38.000081Z


lucasbradstreet 2015-06-25T07:49:44.000082Z

I’ll put out a release artifact then :simple_smile:

lucasbradstreet 2015-06-25T09:16:19.000083Z artifact is up :simple_smile:

lucasbradstreet 2015-06-25T09:16:27.000084Z

Good work

aengelberg 2015-06-25T16:04:03.000085Z

Thanks for being responsive / receptive to my changes! Looking forward to getting feedback from users on the new version.

aengelberg 2015-06-25T16:04:32.000086Z

cc @canweriotnow, unicode char ranges have now been restored to sanity 😄

aengelberg 2015-06-25T16:04:45.000087Z

ABNF char ranges, that is. (unicode support is also there if needed)

canweriotnow 2015-06-25T23:13:59.000088Z

@aengelberg thx, awesome!