
If you're not trampolining your parser, why bother getting up in the morning?
conaw 2016-04-11T05:51:05.000005Z

hey, anyone know how to match the \ character?

conaw 2016-04-11T05:52:31.000006Z

I’m trying to match strings within a parsed file, something like this string = '\"' #'[^(?<!\\\)\"]* '\"'

conaw 2016-04-11T05:53:06.000007Z

I keep getting either errors of unmatched parens, or instaparse errors when I’m doing

conaw 2016-04-11T05:53:09.000008Z

\ or \\

conaw 2016-04-11T06:17:22.000009Z

figured it out

conaw 2016-04-11T06:17:45.000010Z

If anyone’s interested

conaw 2016-04-11T06:17:52.000011Z

string = '\"' (#'[^\"]' | '\\\\\"') '\"'

conaw 2016-04-11T06:19:12.000012Z

I’m know there should be a way to do it with lookbehind inside the regex, but at least now I only have one problem

conaw 2016-04-11T06:19:54.000013Z

Would be great to have an instaparse wiki for common grammars, if that doesn’t already exist somewhere

conaw 2016-04-11T06:20:43.000014Z

also, would be great to know if anyone is using a combination of instaparse and any of the nlp libraries