@aengelberg: I'm trying to make blank lines in one parser flag as :blank
, but they're staying as empty seqs.
Parser: http://sprunge.us/RcOf
Tester: http://sprunge.us/GGdK
currently that parser doesn't account for any newlines (`\n`) between the lines / blank lines, is that intentional?
The library I'm modifying reads the file into a line-seq initially, so I'm mostly just going with that.
@aengelberg: Think it would be easier if it was parsing the original, and not a line-seq?
it may be useful to, instead of line-seq, use a different parser on the original input that identifies the sections / subsections but not the inline syntax.
Yeah. I'm already splitting it into multiple instaparsers. I take it insta can handle multi-line input?
yeah, just make sure all your strings / regexes handle them. All characters are equal citizens in instaparse input, it's up to the grammar to handle what it wants to handle. And make sure the grammar handles CRLFs (`\r\n`) which may appear.
@aengelberg: So make sure my regexps are multi-line and whatnot?
e.g. .
inside a regex matches any non-newline character
also, \s
inside a regex handles any kind of whitespace (including newlines)
Good caveats to know, thanks