@grierson Are you looking for something like https://github.com/duct-framework/duct ?
@shaun-mahood Possibly the 'modules' in Duct my solve the problem. Do you know of any further explanations of modules?
I'm using to writing code like this in C# then having a IOC automatically fill in the dependencies via naming conventions. (IGetThings.cs / ImplGetThings.cs)
@grierson @grierson The 2 talks by @weavejester on Integrant and Duct are both good - the Integrant one gives a good link between the 2 projects in the last bit of the talk https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/9820-enter-integrant-a-micro-framework-for-data-driven-architecture-with-james-reeves https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/7229-duct-covered
@shaun-mahood Thanks, i've seen the integrant video but not the duct covered video. Thanks.
Oh good. I haven't used Duct much at all, but it definitely seems like the most promising option I can think of to get a similar workflow to what you are used to
@shaun-mahood I guess this would be the equivalent in Integrant.
Looks about right to me