
Jp Soares 2020-01-02T19:21:30.026700Z

Is it ok to use integrant.repl in production code?

kwrooijen 2020-01-03T10:55:37.029100Z

I could be wrong, but I think integrant.repl saves your application state internally. Meaning that if you want to use integrant.repl in production you’d have to use that to boot your system instead of ig/init (`integrant.repl` uses ig/init internally anyway). Not sure if there really is a downside except for losing “purity”.

kwrooijen 2020-01-03T10:58:09.029300Z

It would be nice to be able to log into a running system with nrepl, and be able to execute a query with honeysql. I’m not sure how to do this properly since you can’t access integrant.repl.state/system to get your DB pool.