
greg 2021-06-24T08:32:34.006700Z

Does ig/init-key and ig/halt-key! for a given key has to be defined in the same file? I has always thought it doesn't matter, and the multimethods can be distributed all over the source files, but yesterday I come across this weird issue where I define ig/init-key in one file and ig/halt-key! in another, and the code in the ig/halt-key is not executed. It is executed though if they are in the same file. I'm using integrant though duct, but I guess it doesn't really matter. Is that correct behaviour? Any ideas what could be wrong?

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T08:33:11.006900Z

Did you require both files?

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T08:33:29.007300Z

You can add them in separate files, as long as both are requred

greg 2021-06-24T08:34:04.007600Z

required where?

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T08:34:39.007900Z

Anywhere in your program, if the file is never loaded then the multimethod won't be added to the global state

greg 2021-06-24T08:35:47.008100Z

ha, works, thanks

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T08:35:54.008300Z


greg 2021-06-24T08:40:36.008500Z

So clojure builds, kind of, a tree of lookups from the entry ns. Is that correct?

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T08:42:37.008700Z

Right, from the entry ns your require tree starts. And whatever file gets required from that point is loaded before the -main function.

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T08:43:12.008900Z

And it since it works as a tree, all dependency :requires are loaded too

greg 2021-06-24T08:46:09.009100Z

Makes sense. I spent a few hours yesterday trying to figure out what is wrong. You probably saved me another few hours. Thanks!

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T08:47:00.009300Z

If you're using the ig/load-namespaces function then file name also matters

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T08:47:28.009600Z

This could be the cause of your multiple file issue.

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T08:47:38.009800Z

(Since the halt-key might not have been a compatible file name)

greg 2021-06-24T09:02:28.010Z

Yes, the key is not compatible with the file name. Actually I was wondering how James solved this. So he loads them based on key names. Makes sense. In my particular case, I was trying to implement shutdown process for datomic, but running only in dev mode, and only if I'm using dev-local. So I put another file datomic-dev.clj among dev sources.

(ns melon.infra.datomic-dev
   [ :as dl]
   [duct.logger :refer [log]]
   [integrant.core :as ig]))

(defmethod ig/halt-key! :melon.infra.datomic/conn-data
  [_ {:keys [db-name config logger]}]
  (when (= (:server-type config) :dev-local)
    (let [db-config {:system  (:system config)
                     :db-name db-name}]
      (dl/release-db db-config)
      (log logger :info :db-released db-config))))
So based on looking at load-namespaces integrant won't be able to load this ns because the ns is not used as a prefix in config keys. Based on your reply about require, I sorted out my issue by introducing middle ns called env-specific.clj (one in dev, one in prod sources) that just requires namespaces that could not be discovered the usual way.
(ns melon.system
(ns melon.env-specific)
(ns melon.env-specific
What do you think about this workaround?

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T09:05:40.010400Z

Haven't heard of this use-case before (halt-key! is actually only meant for dev). Since you want this separate it sounds like you're using halt-key in production. If that's the case then I think this is a good solution (At least, I can't think of anything else right now)

greg 2021-06-24T09:16:22.010600Z

I think halt-key! is used in production as well, for shutdowns. If you use Duct, you use it by default for shutdowns: • created system awaits daemons: • await-daemons adds shutdown hook to deinit system: So my ig/halt-key! would cause problems without source separation, I think.

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T09:17:37.011100Z

Oh my bad, I think I was confused with suspend / resume keys.

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T09:18:09.011300Z

I think your solution is good though

greg 2021-06-24T09:20:46.011500Z

Once again thanks for help 🙇

kwrooijen 2021-06-24T09:20:59.011700Z

You're welcome 😄